– Welcome to Greensboro’s new onsite property manager Sonja Spohnholtz. Sonja’s office is in the Club House, and you can contact her at Her phone number is 952-544-0477 and she will be on site Monday – Friday from 7:30 am – 4:30 pm.
– The Greensboro Annual Meeting, delayed due to COVID-19 and the State’s limits on meeting/gathering sizes. But we will have an election for Board positions which are up for re-election this year. This will be a mail-in vote. Stay tuned for details – and are you planning to run? Gassen will send out candidate application forms you can fill in and submit to Sonja at
– Mandatory mask wearing in all four Condo buildings’ common areas and laundry rooms and when meeting with Gassen staff inside the Club House.
– Gassen on site staff is following CDC recommendations for cleaning, dealing with vendors and meeting with residents.
– The Club House/Party Room is closed until further notice, due to coronavirus concerns.
– The swimming pool will be open until mid-late September weather/temperature depending. Users need to sign and return a waiver to, and renters must have their landlord’s signature. Please allow two business days to activate your FOB key. See Gassen’s email sent out June 30, 2020 showing the current rules and regulations with regards to pool use. A few hard copies are available at the Club House
– Mint Roofing completed all the repairs and inspections to roofs not scheduled for re-roofing this year.
– Landscaping project by 7412 has been completed by Nature’s Garden. Plant health will be evaluated next spring. Greensboro is responsible for watering not the vendor. Permanent railing at main entrance is expected in October.
– Asphalt was repaired by ACI in front of 7412.
– SavATree trimmed broken tree branches using lift to reach.
In the works:
– Steve Morkrid will be repairing and repainting Condo walls in each building.
– Brick repair by DMR is continuing for townhouses, including exterior chimney repairs.
– 3 Bedroom townhouse garage lintel project at 2014, 7411, 7423 and 7447 is ongoing.
– Re-siding of 7409, 7413, 7417 and 7421 Franklin 2 Bedroom townhouses’ north side: all four windows have been replaced. Siding and flashing will be done together with the 3 Bedroom townhouses in September.
– Re-siding of 2024, 2026, 2036 and 2038 Louisiana 3 Bedroom townhouse east side is underway. Affected homeowners have been notified directly to schedule window replacement date for access to units.
– Re-grading areas 7407-7451 3 Bedroom South side and 7414 Condo North side began August 27.
Volunteer Projects:
– Architectural Committee, headed by Tim Hilger, is working on many projects including how to mount door cameras without damaging the brick. Do you have construction knowledge? If yes, consider joining the Committee.
– Please respect the green and yellow parking permit areas. If you have a yellow permit don’t park in the green permit area and vice versa.
– Don’t back into your parking spot – it is NOW part of the Rules and Regulations.
– Commercial, nonregistered and guest cars, need to park on the street or in the baseball parking lot between 4pm and 8am.
– Non-registered cars parked in the same spot for more than 72 hours will be towed without warning. The 72 hour limitation does not apply to cars with yellow and green parking permit displayed on their cars. Exception is when we have to clear the parking lots for repair and maintenance.
Useful information/It’s the rule:
– Starting an indoor or outdoor remodeling project? You must fill out the Architectural Authorization Request form available on the website. Send to Gassen and avoid problems!
– Please make sure that you or your vendor hauls away remodeling material from projects. It does not belong in the Greensboro garbage bins. Homeowners will be fined.
– There is a separate fee for hauling away household appliances and furniture. They do NOT belong in the trash or in the garbage, this includes mattresses! Contact Gassen to arrange special pick up.
– Keep lawn clear of furniture, grills, planters and other personal items for lawn mowing crews. They will not move furniture and will not mow underneath and around your furniture and grill. They need to be stored on your patio or stoop. It is the rule and offenders will be fined.
– No tethering of animals. If a mower, building elements or people get damaged/hurt by a tethering line, the homeowner will be charged back for the damage caused.
– Gardening projects: Contact Sonja Spohnholtz ( or 952-544-0477) before you start any garden project. The green area outside your units are all Common area. As we regrade throughout Greensboro the Association reviews existing gardens and patios. 3 Bedroom townhouse owners can opt to have a patio built by Greensboro’s approved vendor and at homeowner’s cost. It will not become a Limited Common element, but the agreement will give single unit usage rights.
Please help by:
– Calling the police immediately if you see or hear suspicious activity at Greensboro. Cars’ catalytic converters have been cut from cars in the greater St. Louis Park area including Greensboro. It is a rather noisy but fast job. We suggest you park your car in the garage if you have one.
– Recycling as much as possible. We still find a lot of cardboard boxes and bottles in the trash bins. We appreciate when you break down the cardboards so all of us have space to dispose of our trash. Please note that items should be dumped in the recycle bins unbagged. Plastic bags gum up the recycle machines and should be trashed.
– Cleaning the common BBQ grill by the Club House after use. Make sure to use it away from the Club House and overhanging tree branches and following fire code. Please dispose of the ashes in the dedicated and labeled bin. Don’t throw them into the trash.
– Picking up trash, sticks, your cigarette butts and wrappers, your dog’s poop, etc. and put them into the trash bins located throughout Greensboro.
– Reporting any problems (grounds, lightbulbs including your porch lights, security, etc.), by creating a work order on your Gassen Connect account (preferred) or contacting Sonja Spohnholtz ( or 952-544-0477) and she will forward it on to the right person.
– Sonja Spohnholtz, On Site Property Manager:
Phone 952-544-0477, email
Mark the date:
– Next Board Meeting: TUESDAY, September 22, 2020. Homeowner Forum from 6:30 pm to 6:45 pm. Suggestions/ideas are welcome. This will probably be an online meeting.
– Dog swim day: On the last day the swimming pool will be open, starting at 5pm. Watch out for more information.
About The Author: Admin
old email address:
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